Direct Sales Marketing & Team Building

Are you ready to be a leader? When you use Direct Sales Aid, we'll help you build a team of professionals that you can be proud of. Direct Sales Aid is, by far, the best team building website in the industry. If you've ever tried other advertising such as Google PPC, you know that paying a fixed rate for effective advertising is much more comfortable. No surprises.

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$5.00 /mo Basic

$30.00 /mo Featured

$150.00 /mo Premium

Plans & Features

Basic Plan

Statewide & Citywide Exposure

Our Basic Listing is simple, cheap, and effective advertising for new direct sales consultants. For less than $5 a month, your Basic listing will be displayed to DSA visitors in your selected state & your city. As a bonus, it will be also shown below the Featured & Premium listings for added exposure. It's a great option for people just starting out in direct sales yet are serious about jump starting their new independent business. You'll generate a number of very-high quality leads One of the drawbacks is that you'll receive a limited number of leads but many consultants report successful team-building and customer sales with a basic listing. Once you get some momentum, you'll want to upgrade to a Featured Listing for even more exposure.

Premium Plan

Nationwide Advertising with Premium Placement

When you’re ready to step-up and lead a large team of direct sales consultants, our PREMIUM plan is the way to go. You’ll receive maximum exposure on our site for only $5/day. For anyone who has ever done PPC advertising on Google, Yahoo, or Bing, you know how much $5/day gets you – not much. You won’t find a better way to stretch your advertising dollar while laser-targeting direct sales professionals than our PREMIUM plan. As soon as you’re able, you’re going to want to upgrade to our PREMIUM plan and receive HOME PAGE exposure as well as other great perks for long-time customers such as posting of you business on Direct Sales Aid’s Facebook page.

A Premium listing is featured across ALL states. Your listing will be shown above all Basic & Featured listings and will be randomly shown across all pages including the home page and your local city. You’ll generate significantly more leads and be recognized as a top producer everywhere. New consultants will tend to choose you more because you’ll appear more established. Go PREMIUM as soon as prudently possible.


How does Direct Sales Aid (DSA) help me?
Direct Sales Aid (DSA) is a directory of direct sales and party plan consultants. DSA shows your profile and links to your website across all parts of the Direct Sales Aid website. When you sign up for Direct Sales Aid, you’ll provide details about your business such as your website URL, Join Links, Buy Links, and which direct sales company you represent. DSA then shows your profile to Direct Sales Aid website visitors. Visitors click on your profile then continue to your independent consultant website.
How much exposure will I get from my ad?
It depends on your ad spend. A $5 ad will be shown less than a $30 ad which will be show less than a $150 ad. Each $5 spend gets you 1 point and it’s the number of points that your ad generates which determines the frequency of the ad. Your ad will be rotated with other consultants with each page view.
How do I boost my ad without upgrading into the next plan?
Buy more states for your ad and that will increase your ad spend (and points) and your ad will show more often. For example, a BASIC ad ($5 = 1 point) with 5 extra states purchased (total is $30 = 6 points) will show the exact-same number of times as a FEATURED ad ($30 = 6 points). It’s easy to increase the frequency of your ad – just buy more states and get more points.
How does your Point System work to determine whose ad gets shown?
Each $5 spent gives you 1 point. A Featured ad gets 6 points ($30) and a Premium ad gets 30 points ($150). If you want your ad to show more, increase your ad spend and acquire more points. More points means more exposure and more rotation. Our system is designed to be fair and equitable for all advertisers while allowing people who spend more to be shown more.
My Click report email shows that my ad was clicked from a certain web page but when I re-visit that link, another consultant’s ad shows there now. What’s up with that?
When visitors to the site see and click on your profile, you’ll receive an email alert letting you know that your profile received action and the report will show you which specific page the click originated from. It’s important to note that re-visiting the page where you ad was clicked from previously will likely show another consultant in your spot since ads are rotated.
What are your website traffic statistics?
Direct Sales Aid receives more than 2 million visitors per year and is growing at a rate of 7% per month over the last 24 months. We are the leader in the industry.
Which option produces the best results?

It’s important to note that ALL Direct Sales Aid plans provide value and benefit to you, even the free plan. As your business grows, you’ll want to dedicate more money to marketing and advertising. We’ve developed our Plans & Pricing to allow you to start out small, with very-little money, and grow with your success. Direct Sales Aid is very powerful.

While all options offer results, the PREMIUM service is affordably-priced, relatively-speaking, compared to other advertising solutions. You’ll enjoy our fixed-rate advertising solutions.

Are there any contracts to use DSA?

No. You can stop anytime and you won’t be billed again. It’s important to keep your options open with your direct sales business and be wary of any company that tries to lock you into annual agreements. Direct Sales Aid doesn’t do that. You can start out small, grow, then stop anytime. Simple and easy for everyone.

Is there a free advertising option?

Yes. You can get free direct sales advertising for your party plan independent business by using our FREE option. Your listing will be shown citywide to DSA visitors to the site. This option is minimally effective and you’ll want to upgrade your plan as soon as you’re able and get some more substantial results.

When should I upgrade to a bigger listing?

Great question. It’s important not to overload yourself with expenses for your direct sales business and you’ll want to dedicate at least 10-20% of your earnings BACK INTO MARKETING. Don’t go spending all of your profits because you’ll always be fighting to tread water if you do that. Reserve 10-20% for advertising and you’ll always have new business, new team members, and more sales.

I want to be shown as a Featured Representative on the home page. How do I do that?

Appearing on the Home Page of Direct Sales Aid is a huge achievement. You’ll separate yourself from other consultants and appear like YOU are the one to sign up with. Our PREMIUM plan allows you to be rotated on the HOME PAGE along with other Premium members. It’s extremely powerful and you’ll be able to build a team more easily than if you just went with the FEATURED option. It’s well worth the money. Anyone who has ever spend $5/day on Google Advertising know how little that gets you (2-3 clicks?). With Direct Sales Aid, you’re $5/day budget outperforms BING, YAHOO, and GOOGLE combined for the money. You can take that fact to the bank. Go PREMIUM and get serious. It’s worth it.

I'm new to direct sales. What should I do?

First question you need to answer is "what's your financial status?" If it's grave, then go with the FREE listing. If you've got some money to spend to jump start your business then go directly to the PREMIUM listing and start advertising alongside the big players. New consultants want to sign up under people that look like they know what they're doing! (wouldn't you?) Rise to the occasion and get into character. You're a leader now. Go PREMIUM.

Do I need to know anything before I start advertising?

You'll need to learn your company's policies, product information, and compensation info because you'll be fielding questions from prospective teammates. Direct Sales Aid is powerful so be careful what you ask for! You're going to get to build your team and what you do with that power is up to YOU. You'll transform from a direct sales 'newbie' to a seasoned professional fielding dozens of leads and building a team that can help everyone fulfill their dreams. It starts, and ends, with you. Rise to the challenge.

What is your refund policy?

Direct Sales Aid is an advertising service and, as such, there are no refunds available. We know you’ll love how we help you. Please contact for any questions.

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