Use Customer Testimonials

With every direct sales business comes the realization that you must set yourself apart from the pack and become a unique business entity.  In order to do that, you are going to need to embrace marketing of your business.  Word of mouth is not the only method of marketing but using client’s words can help you. Let’s take a look at how testimonials can work for your business.

What is a testimonial? According to the, the definition of a testimonial is: “Written recommendation from a celebrity or satisfied customer affirming the performance,  quality, and/or value of a product or service. Testimonials are one of the most potent tools of marketing.”

That is a pretty powerful statement and it has been proven time and time again that testimonials need to be incorporated into your websites and marketing messages. There are several ways to gather and use testimonials in your marketing so let’s look a few.

Gathering your testimonial is as easy asking.  If you are offering a good service and great quality and value, your customers are going to want to help you with a great testimonial.  If they are able to provide a picture, that is even better.  People relate to faces of actual people as it makes it more authentic.

Using your testimonials in different places can really help your sales conversions.  Placing them on your direct sales website or blog is a must.  You can have a specific page designated for them as well as having them scattered on your side bars.

In direct mail marketing, add several testimonials to your mailing so that you can further cement a follow though contact by your intended client.  If you have an action item within your message make sure that the testimonial is in relation to that action item.

Another good way to add testimonials to your marketing message is to use them on your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.  You want to be able to add value to your business and having other satisfied people speak for you is priceless.

You can start to gather the power of this great marketing tool by asking your current clients that have been with you and have experienced your great service to assist you by writing out a testimonial.  Make sure they are okay with it being published.  You can tailor questions to help them with what to say.

Take a few minutes today to contact some of your clients and ask them to support your and your direct sales business by giving a testimonial.  You will be surprised at how many will assist you and be pleased to do so.