Le-VEL has made a huge name for themselves in the supplement market by taking the guesswork out of supplements and nutritional balance. Enthusiastic fans are raving about the difference that the “Thrive 8 Week Experience” has made for them, leaving them with benefits like more energy, more fat-burning ability, better digestion and even mental clarity.
Struggling with dozens of different bottles, powders, pills and blends can make any approach to a healthy lifestyle seem like a chore rather than a positive step. Le-VEL removes this frustrating “musical chairs” aspect of supplement choice and delivery in favor of a monthly collection of shakes, supplements and other fast-delivery supplement formats that are specifically tuned in to your goals. With the company’s plus line, you can even incorporate additional supplemental emphasis into problem areas for better results.
Each facet of the products in their Thrive lines has been carefully adjusted for maximum results in minimal time, with speed-boosting innovations like micronized particles and their revolutionary patent-pending skin patch, called DFT, or derma-fusion technology. This commitment to lifestyle ease reflects the company’s attitude about health and well-being: namely that it shouldn’t be a time-consuming struggle to get the body and lifestyle you want.
Le-VEL knows that direct sales efforts work the best when the salesperson truly believes in what they’re selling. Rather than just hyping their products and relying on brochures to sell the Thrive line, Le-VEL encourages all potential representatives to get into the program themselves, even facilitating the transition by making their supplement package free after only two auto-ship sales. Once you’ve experienced the difference that the “Thrive 8 Week Experience” has made in your life, it will be very easy to explain your enthusiasm to potential customers using personal, first-hand knowledge.
Everything offered by Le-VEL and their Thrive product lines is carefully formulated, monitored and packaged by the company, ensuring consistency. When you use the Thrive monthly supplement package, you’ll never have to worry that one part of your supplement equation is sub-par, or that the purity or volume of some off-brand supplement is suspect. Le-VEL drives their business on results, and only delivers the best products to keep that positive momentum going for their customer base.
If you’re tired of being tired, weak, hungry or overweight, it’s time to make a change. Don’t just live - Thrive today!