Everyone needs a large bag in their closet and there is perhaps no other bag as versatile as the Prima bag in this department. Akin to what most designer brands call “the travel tote”; the Prima bag is perhaps one of the most functional bags in Miche’s product line. The bag measures 5 inches wide, 15 inches long, and 12 inches tall, making it the perfect bag to take with you when traveling. Be it for work, as a hand-carry bag for when you travel, or for shopping at a nearby mall or grocery, the Prima bag does not disappoint. It’s big enough to fit in a laptop, a tablet, and some important documents. The prima bag also features a 10-inch drop handle, which is 20 and ¾ inches long and 1-inch wide, so you can easily strap it on your shoulder and have two free hands to carry other things when you’re shopping. In addition, the bag also features silver hardware, one large interior pocket, 1 medium pocket, and two small pockets.
Miche’s Prima line also features the most shell options, as you can find over 40 available shells for the Prima base bag. If you want exterior storage, you can buy Miche Prima shells with exterior pockets. Pair up your Prima bag with a Miche bag organizer and you’ve got yourself the perfect errand and travel companion!