Sell Silpada Jewelry

One of the most common pieces of advice you’ll hear, when starting your own business, is to sell a product that you believe in. Silpada Designs jewelry makes it easy for budding entrepreneurs to embrace success, offering a full line of sterling silver jewelry for women, as well as accessories for men and children. Rather than follow the same tired trends in the jewelry circuit, Silpada commissioned their own exclusive designs to create a catalog that not only captures attention, it converts browsers to buyers as well. Beyond a strong, likeable array of products, Silpada also has one of the easiest start-up plans in the direct sales market today.

A Low-Cost Business Plan

At less than $150 for a starter kit, Silpada leads the industry in approachable start up costs, ensuring that passion - not financing - is what it takes for a motivated business owner to get in the door. The company also shaves off cost from other services that are traditionally pay-to-play for entrepreneurs - a personalized sales portal is free to use and provides you with full commissions on every sale. Other digital tools, such as logos, graphics and photos are free for representatives to use, enabling them to keep their business on the cutting edge with features like branded email newsletters for their customers.

Plenty of Incentives and Rewards

The promise of a kickback or acknowledgement after years of hard work is motivating, but it can seem very far away to newcomers. Silpada Designs welcomes new representatives with incredible earning potentials in their first 100 days, with rewards such as free product up for grabs at very reasonable sales goal tiers. Fare costs and lodging at annual leadership conferences, held both domestically and in exotic locales, provide team-builders with an extra push in the right direction, rewarding them for their efforts throughout the year.

A Sense of Community

A unique and highly-touted benefit of working with Silpada Designs is the concept of “Silpada Sisterhood” - a commitment between representatives to help and uplift one another towards the goal of mutual success. Hard work is made easier with guidance, suggestions and discussions at Silpada retreats, workshops and online newsletters. With such a strong network of business owners on your side and an excellent brand behind you, you’ll be primed for success!

Ready to get started in your new career selling Silpada Designs sterling silver jewelry? Contact your local representative and become part of a stellar team today.
