I am an Independent Damsel Pro. I am passionate about educating, empowering and equipping women against violence. Damsel In Defense is a company that is growing every day! You can join my team for only $149 and start sharing with your loved ones and community ways to stay safe. With lifetime warranty on most all of our products.
As an Independent Damsel Pro you get to share ways to stay safe and sell products that could save someone's life! Raising awareness against domestic abuse, human trafficking and violence in your area and across the nation! Join today at www.mydamselpro.net/heatherimpastato
To join is simple, head to www.mydamselpro.net/heatherimpastato Click the tab that says "Join My Team" and follow the step by step instructions. Being part of a company that is more than just products but also a Mission is so rewarding. With only 10,000 pros nationwide there is plenty of room for you to share Damsel In Defense with others and grow your own team!
I have been with Damsel In Defense since 2014 and have loved being part of something great! As an Independent Damsel Pro I have been able to hear many testimonies of women who once felt vulnerable and now can leave their homes knowing they have something to protect them if something where to happen.
I love to help encourage women, children and men to think about their safety!
Please use the following form to send an email to Heather Impastato.