Cristi Cronin Scheffman - doTERRA Wellness Advocate

doTERRA Wellness Advocate Cristi Cronin Scheffman

Mawani Terrace , WV 25411 US
  • Company

    Company Overview

    • doTERRA is a Latin derivative, meaning “gift of the earth.” The doTERRA Founding Executives were committed to providing only the purest, highest-grade essential oils. This commitment led to the creation of a new standard of quality: CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade®. Every doTERRA oil is held to the highest possible level of purity.
    • Now, doTERRA means more than “gift of the earth.” It also means wellness, health, and hope
    • Through industry-leading, responsible sourcing practices—Co-Impact Sourcing®—doTERRA maintains the highest levels of quality, purity, and sustainability in partnerships with local growers around the globe.
    • The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, offers resources and tools to sourcing communities and charitable organizations, raising self-reliance, increasing access to healthcare, promoting education, advancing sanitation, and fighting against human trafficking. With our social impact mission to triple our impact by 2030, doTERRA is helping the world heal—one drop, one person, one community at a time.
    • 2019—Partners with St. Elizabeth’s Healthcare to create the doTERRA Center for Integrative Oncology
    • 2021—Launched Hope, our comprehensive action plan to fight human trafficking and victimization
    • 2021—Opened the Sanaag Specialty Hospital, providing first-time access to healthcare for a region with more than 600,000 people

    These are just a few of many accomplishments this wonderful company has made.


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