•Farmasi is one of the hottest companies now
•Best comp plan in the business
•8 product categories-something for everyone
•Affordable luxury
•Always HALF OFF the prices
•Safe and effective
•Over 4 yrs experience here-I can help you!
Farmasi makes it so easy to make money. Find a sponsor, go on the sponsor’s website and sign up to be a Farmasi Influencer! You immediately get 50% off for life on all their products including makeup, skincare, health and wellness, beauty tools, hair products, men’s products, sun products, cleaning supplies, essential oils and so much more!! Best comp plan in the business. I work with my team daily and make sure they all know the latest news, tips, specials, and everything Farmasi has to offer. It’s my job to make sure YOU succeed at this. Call or message me and I’ll answer all the details for you!
My name is Cindy and I have been with Farmasi for 4 1/2 yrs so my product knowledge and business knowledge is solid. I’m 53 and have 2 daughters and am married and absolutely LOVE what I am doing now! I feel like I’m getting paid to enjoy products! I’m always available to answer questions and help anyone out. My down line of people working under me in the company ranges from 18-60 yr old. So I cover all the age groups. I have extensive videos for help and have studied network marketing as well. Come join me and enjoy these wonderful products and MAKE SOME MONEY!
Please use the following form to send an email to Cindy Franklin.