Amber Blevons - LuLaRoe Consultant

LuLaRoe Consultant Amber Blevons

5085 North Lake Sanford Road Sanford, MI 48657 US
  • Company

    Company Overview

    LuLaRoe is a fashion company who aims to serve and bless others through fashionable, comfortable clothing. The limited prints on these amazing designs are fun and fit every lifestyle. I would love to have you shop with me online, or book a party in my mobile boutique to earn free clothes!

  • About Me

    About Me

    I have been a consultant with LuLaRoe since October 2016 and I absolutely love it! I currently work full time outside the home, with LuLaRoe as my side-gig. I do live sales in my van during lunch time a few times per week on my facebook business page, wall drop Wednesdays in my shopping group, and occasional events or personal shopping appointments in my LuLaRoe Bus! Whatever style of shopping you enjoy most, I can accommodate. I run a small shop, so I'm able to offer that hometown, personal customer service we all love. I focus on my customers' styles, wants and needs to provide you with an enjoyable experience.

    I've been married to my husband, Michael since 2008 and we have two daughters, Calah and Selah. Our girls are our world and we work together to make their life and future better! As a full-time working wife and mother who also does LuLaRoe, I have to make this business work for us, on our schedule, by being creative with my time and efforts. I would love to have you shop with me or join my team if you are interested in owning your own boutique!

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    Contact Amber Blevons

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