Michelle Egan - Paparazzi Accessories Consultant

Paparazzi Accessories Consultant Michelle Egan

  • Company

    Company Overview

    Joining Paparazzi Accessories was the best business decision I have ever made. In just a few short months I became one of the top consultants in the company. I earn a very generous monthly salary which includes 45% profit on all my sales in addition to commissions from my team.

    The jewelry sells itself! Most people can't believe it's ONLY $5! WIth Paparazzi Accessories you can definitely earn a great income working from home. Don't think you have the time? I didn't either! I've got 5 busy boys that play every sport on top of piano lessons, scouts and church activities! Paparazzi works when and how you need it to!

    Want to host a party and get free jewelry? Just contact me and I'll show you how.

    Questions? Just click on my website link or contact me and I would be happy to answer and help you build your own AMAZING team with this BOOMING company!


    Join Paparazzi Accessories

  • About Me

    About Me

    My name is Michelle and I'm a busy, BUSY Mom of 5 of the sweetest boys ever and wife to my amazing husband Kelly. My life pretty much revolves around my boys and their busy schedules. They play every sport imaginable on top of scouts, piano lessons, church activities etc., etc. etc. To say we have A LOT going on is just a bit of an understatement! When we have any free time, we love totravel, we love to boat & camp and spend time with family and friends. I've been with Paparazzi for just over three years now. When I got involved with Paparazzi, I was the PTA President at my little boys school and just happened to come across a cute display of the jewelry when I was at the school one day doing something PTA. Because I LOVE a great deal and feel it's my obligation to tell all my family and friends when I find one, I immediately called up the person who left the display and told her I needed to do a party! I mean seriously, who can pass up cute $5.00 jewelry!? I had an awesome party and after attending another party and buying lots more jewelry, I decided it was something I needed to be part of, even if just to be able to purchase the jewelry for wholesale. I called up my sisters and said let's do this! Of course they all thought I was CRAZY!!!! They knew how much I already had going on! They were the ones I was calling to cry to because I was completely overwhelmed and didn’t know how to be in three places at one time. They were reluctant, but I'm persistent and just had the strongest feeling that we should do this, so away we went! I had never done a direct sales company before Paparazzi so we were just winging it and having fun and apparently that's all that was needed! I am currently an A-Lister with Paparazzi and I am blessed to have one of the TOP teams full of amazing rockstars! My team is like a second family to me. If anyone ever asks me what I love most about this company, my answer would be the incredible women and men that I get to associate with and have part of my life. Don't get me wrong, the money is really GREAT too! I love that with Paparazzi I can be a wife/mom and business owner and it works, even with our hectic schedule! Paparazzi has filled a void in my life that I never even knew existed and probably would’ve never missed, but that I feel blessed each and every day that I found. As a mom/wife, most of my days are centered around others and their needs. This isn’t a bad thing, but I think sometimes we forget that we have needs of our own,that we are capable of other things, AMAZING things, in addition to the awesome responsibility of being a wife/mom. Paparazzi brought that to me. It’s that “thing” for me! I’m passionate about it, I’m good at it, I have a BLAST doing it, and it’s brought out a more confident me!

    "Bling It On"'s photo.

    "Bling It On"'s photo.

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