Phoebe Steele - Paparazzi Accessories Consultant

Paparazzi Accessories Consultant Phoebe Steele

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    Company Overview

    $5 jewelry?  Yes, there is such a thing!  The same quality that you would get from Target or Kohl's, but at a quarter of the price!  I was worried about signing up on a whim, when I saw some one post about the company in an online chat room.  I'm so lucky that I did! The fear was put to ease when that box of goods landed on my doorstep!  I opened the box and fell in love with a $5 bracelet.  The funny thing, I went to a jewelry party for another DS company 45 days earlier and purchased a bracelet that cost almost $40 with tax & shipping.  Of course, I had to wait for the item when ordered.  You don't get them on the spot.  When I opened the box, I was unhappy with my purchase.  The bracelet was much smaller than the picture in the catalog.  I paid almost $40 for this piece of string with 3 tiny trinkets.  Disappointed was my first thought.  I then turned my head at the box of glory and called my neighbor over.  She bought 3 items. I called my other neighbor over and she bought 2 items (and she was a college student with hardly any money).  I was hooked!  The next day I took 10 rings to work and sold six before clocking in. I didn't do much and it was selling on its own!  It didn't stop there.  Now I have a team of 99 consultants under me. Do you want to join and become # 100?  This company has many ways to sell with limited restrictions!  Online (no Craig's List or Auction sites), in salons, shops, flea markets, events, home parties and more!  The opportunities are unbelievable! If you would like to join Paparazzi, I'm part of a wonderful, supporting upline!  No presentations!  Just show & sell! My girls love selling to everyone too!


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