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I hope you will choose me to be your Pink Zebra Lady, and I would be honored to sign you up!
Thank you for checking out my site!
My name is Teri Hall.
I love walking into my house and smelling a wonderful fragrance. The beauty of Pink Zebra Sprinkles is that you can make a candle, put the sprinkles into a Shimmering lights warmer, even add them to hampers, vacuum cleaners, air ducts,etc. They are very versatile Pink zebra has 60 different scents that you can mix to create your own unique scent.
All I can say is, "What are you waiting for?" Join today at www.pinkzebrahome.com/scentilating Call or text @ 502-259-8667 email: teri.hall61@aol.com
Please use the following form to send an email to Teri Hall.