Alicia Ivie - Scentsy Consultant

Scentsy Consultant Alicia Ivie

1207 South Prairie Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57105 US
  • Company

    Company Overview

    Scentsy has flourished from a small family operation to a thriving international company and a leader in the direct selling industry. But some things haven't changed. We still hold true to our core values and a dedication to contribute more than we take in our relationships with our Consultants, customers and the communities in which we live and work.

    At Scentsy, we're a family. We're honest and hardworking and real. We offer each other support and strive to give anyone who wants to enhance their life the best opportunity to do it.

    The basis for Scentsy Family's business philosophy comes from a quote by Albert Einstein — a quote that so inspired Orville Thompson as a young man he kept it posted on his bedroom wall: "Try not to become a man of success. Rather, become a man of value. A successful man takes out of life more than he puts in. A man of value will give more than he receives."

    When they launched Scentsy, the Thompsons determined from the beginning to build their business around core values of Simplicity, Authenticity and Generosity.

    Those key values extend to everything we do.

  • About Me

    About Me

    In August 2012, I started my amazing journey with Scentsy. I’ve always enjoyed fragrance in my home so when Scentsy was mentioned to me by a friend, I became a consultant without ever owning Scentsy. I received the starter kit and immediately fell in love. I was finally able to have fragrance in my home without the worry of a fire while saving and earning money.Thank you for stopping by and coming along with me on my Scentsy journey. I am very excited to share these products and how they are integrated into my life.

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    Contact Alicia Ivie

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