Oregon Watkins 1868 Consultants

Listed below are the cities of Oregon that we serve. Click on the city name to view Consultants in that area.

Melody Thacker

I've been a Watkins consultant for 20 years and love all the people I've met through Watkins. I run on coffee, cookies, and kindness. Family is my everything! My mission is to help people enjoy greater satisfaction in their lives. Watkins products are affordable, premium quality seasonings, and natural products. Our best product is our flexible income opportunity.
955 Grandview Drive Ashland, OR 97520 US

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What is Watkins 1868?

If you’ve ever wished you could be part of a company with a rich history, Watkins is here to make that a reality. They are a direct sales company that was founded in 1868 and is focused on providing top-quality, natural-based products. These products have been manufactured in the same Minnesota factory for over one hundred years.
