Katina Dale - Younique Presenter

Younique Presenter Katina Dale

1245 County Highway 522 Parma, MO 63870 US
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    About Me

    Hi my name is Katina Dale! I feel my best when I feel beautiful. I really love make-up. But I love really good make-up. I love these products and really feel you will enjoy them too. I'm very excited about the products and when I think about how you are going to feel when you try these products I get tickled, I just know your going to love them to. Everyone deserves to be happy, and feel young and vibrant no matter our age. Today I'm 47 years young. But I feel most beautiful when I wear these wonderful products and skin care. I hope you try our products because you will be amazed at how you will feel. Try our make-up and our skin care as well, you won't regret it!

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