Double Hostess Credit in March!

Double hostess credit in March 2018

Beginning today (2/26/18) and going through March, Thirty-One is offering DOUBLE HOSTESS CREDIT on all parties with sales $500 and above! Hostess rewards for a $500 party are $90 in credit (that's $90 to spend on anything in the catalog), two half-price items, and two Hostess Exclusives (the four choices for Exclusives are shown on the inside back cover of the catalog). But in March, the credit is DOUBLED! So for a $500 party, for example, you would be able to go on a $180 shopping spree!

One of the reasons I joined Thirty-One in the first place was because I love FREE STUFF, so I am super excited about this.

And consider the possibilities if you join as a consultant by February 28 for just $1. You could have a launch party (I would be happy to do a Facebook party for you--all you'd have to do is invite your friends!) and be the hostess. Then you would get 25% commission (cash deposited in your checking account!), PLUS all the hostess rewards, PLUS 25% of product sales as MORE free stuff! The rewards begin when you have $500 in sales, but let's posit a $600 party, because that's where you are eligible to get the hostess special.

So with $600 in sales, you get:

As hostess rewards:

$200 in hostess credit (normally $100 at that level)

Two half-price items (your choice from anything in the catalog)

Two Hostess Exclusives

The Hostess Special (different every month)

As a consultant:

$150 commission

$150 FREE Stuff--your choice of anything in the catalog or business supplies such as catalogs

Not bad for a $1 investment, right?

You can sign up at my website or contact me for more information.
