Pink Zebra Introduces The WallHug Plugin

Pink Zebra's Newest Product The Wallhug Plugin

Wallhug Plugin to be in December Scentflirt

December ScentFlirt subscribers will be receiving a new product from Pink Zebra called the Wallhug. The Wallhug is a new plugin product from Pink Zebra that uses Soaks. Soaks are Pink Zebra's signature scented oils, I call them liquid sprinkles. They are an eco-friendly, skin-safe liquid that can be added to any of our Just Add Soaks products (JAS) such as go cards, woolies, hang its, lotions and natural reeds, and now to be used in the newest product the WallHug plugin. Soaks are a great way alternative way to fragrance your home or office. Like sprinkles Soaks are also fun to mix and match as they are blendable which allow you to customize your own fragrances and create endless scent recipes. Try out the new blend bar to create your own recipes Blend Bar, The scent throw on the Wallhug plugin is amazing and you are sure to be pleased with how pleasant your rooms will smell, nothing is better than coming home to a nice smelling home.

Pink Zebra consultants and customers have been waiting in anticipation for a Pink Zebra wall plugin. This long-awaited product will now be previewed to ScentFlirt subscribers along with other surprises for the month of December. It is not yet been announced when the Wallhug will be available for purchase, so if this is a product you are interested in be sure to subscribe now to Scentflirt. Remember too you can have more than one subscription which means double the monthly Pink Zebra goodies! ScentFlirt is a no-contract subscription service so you can cancel your subscription at any time but why would you? Loyal Scentflirt subscriptions who are subscribed for 6 months or longer will get a 5% discount on all fragrance purchases! So it pays to be a VIP. If you are interested in learning more about ScentFlirt, the new Wallhug plugin or would like to subscribe to the new monthly service click here.