Thoughts for the Potential Consultants

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So, you think you would like to be in business for yourself. You want to be a part of the Direct Sales industry. What makes a company the company for you? Sales? Years in business? Consultants in your area? I’d like to share my story with you!

Before you make your decision because you have been to a party and the consultant tells you, “you’d be great at this” or your best friend has asked you to join her company, step back a minute! Ask some questions of yourself to determine whether direct sales is really something you would like to do.

First, what are you willing to invest to make yourself successful? I am not talking about your financial investment. I’m speaking about the commitment it takes to create a profitable business of which you can be proud. Are you the person who wants to join a company just so you can purchase their merchandise? Are you the person who wants to be on the stage at the annual conference, receiving recognition for a job well done. Do you want to earn $50 a month or $500 a month or $5000 a month – or more? There is nothing wrong with any of those, just know you will receive in direct relation to what you give!

Second, do you want to do things “your way” or are you open to suggestions? Do you have time and determination to listen and watch the trainings available to you? Will you attend the team training your team leader works to provide for you?

Third, where are your customers, and where will you find more? Do you plan to ask your family and friends to “support” you by purchasing from you? Do you love Facebook, so you will join groups and play games to make your quota?

Direct Sales offers the self-directed and motivated individual fantastic opportunities to grow financially and personally. The key is your willingness to become a sponge. Soak up all the information and training you can about your products and the category they represent. Don’t stop there – do a search for Direct Sales experts. You’ll be surprised what you find! Listen, listen, listen and watch, watch, watch!!

You’ll also need to organize your time and space. If you are a busy mom, use the waiting time you have while the kids are doing their “things” after school to make phone calls, listen to training, plan for your next party or return emails. Schedule time during the day – even 15 minute chunks of time – to devote to one part of your business. You may be able to devote and hour a day or 4 hours a day, but just remember, you must invest time in your business to make it grow and thrive. If you become discouraged, find that Direct Sales guru you’ve been watching and grab a training or webinar from their files. Call your up-line for help in your business planning.

Now for suggestions for what NOT to do. When you are feeling discouraged, or angry, or hurt, please don’t take it to Facebook. If you have been doing something with your business you know you shouldn’t be doing and someone reports you to the company you represent, please don’t be angry with the people or the company. Remember who created the situation. As a Direct Seller you have a huge opportunity to run your business the way it is most successful for you. That does not give you license to do anything your company does not approve. The choices you make reflect on your company. Please don’t go to Facebook and ask people to help you make your goal, don’t message folks who have “friended” you or liked your page asking for an order. Don’t be a “kitnapper” – unless you tell the person who will be your up-line your intentions. Remember, your up-line won’t chase after you and won’t support you unless you indicate you want their help. If you are ready to really invest in yourself, your leaders are more than ready to help you reach your goals!

A full disclosure here, I have been in and out of direct sales for nearly 50 years, with limited success. My suggestions come from a mixture of successes and failures. I am now successfully working my business and building my team with Clever Container. I chose Clever Container because the people and products both met criteria I had made for myself when I was seeking the right company for me. My up-line is always available to me if I have questions or seek advice. I do the same for my team members. I believe mentoring is a privilege and a responsibility!

Wishing you well as you consider and choose the best company for you! If you want to take a look at Clever Container, please don’t hesitate to visit my web-site where you can get information and also the ways you can reach me! We help people make room for life with organization and that is our only focus!