Best products by far! I'm a long time acne sufferer that's used all the make up to hide it and all the regimens, including prescription meds, to treat it. Farmasi works. The makeup is so pure. European standards are the way to go! Farmasi bans nearly 1400 chemicals that the US DOESN'T! Do any other direct sales companies do that? Do the sales reps earn 50% commission TO START? Do other sales reps get product discounted UPFRONT? Farmasi Beauty Influencers do! 11 ways to earn money, ground level opportunity, zero market saturation, 70 years in existence, and only costs $19.99 to join! BOOM! TY!
LOVE Farmasi! Works perfectly for me in my 50's and for my daughter in her 20's. Different products for different needs. Skincare, makeup, wellness, nutrition products, a little of everything! Just launched new products for Farmasi 2.0 and skincare infused makeup. So much coming in 2024, new markets opening, new VIP customer program and too much to list !!! I love that it's 50% discount and 50% (+) commissions!
Absolutely the best. In less than a year, Farmasi has gone beyond my expectations. The products speak for themselves. Try one product you will be amazed. One of Farmasi's must have, Zen Mascara, only $8.90. Better results than my old $30.00 mascara. Love what I do, a Farmasi household here. Ready to see what is in store for this company. New products coming. Stay tuned.
I have CRAZY sensitive skin. Like eczema that freaks out just from looking at me wrong sensitive... but I have found my new Holy Grail! Farmasi is gentle on my skin but makes me look fierce! What more could someone want! By far the most amazing products EVER!
So blessed that Farmasi came into my life! Wonderful owners who produce the highest quality products that everyone can afford! Not only are the products European quality that I am proud to represent, but Farmasi has one of the best compensation plans by far. I have been with many direct sales companies and this one exceeds all my expectations and then some.
Farmasi USA Fabricante de Cosméticos fabricados en ambientes ecológicos, cumpliendo con altos Estándares de Fabricación en Europa. Utiliza el Método de Venta Directa o Venta Por Catálogo con el mejor plan de comisiones existente. No contienen Parabenos ni metales pesados, no son probados en animales entre otras excelentes prácticas. Excelentes Precios al consumidor, tarifas planas por envios. Starter Kit o Kit de Inicio de sólo 19.99$ una oportunidad accesible para todas las personas que busquen calidad y un 50% - 75% comisiones. Catálogo Hermoso y de Excelente Diseño
Súper feliz de pertenecer a esta gran familia y más que complacida con sus productos de calidad y la eficacia de los mismo pues además de ser una BI soy producto del producto. Y somos los #1 en el mejor plan de compensación yessss. Te invito a que seas parte de nuestra familia
Estoy encantada con los Productos Farmasi. Tengo Rosácea y mi piel es sensible muchos productos me causaban alergias pero Gracias a Dios me recomendaron Farmasi y tuve excelentes resultados. Tanto es así que quise darme la oportunidad de ser Beauty Influencer y tener un ingreso adicional y hace dos meses llegué a la posición de Directora. Se los recomiendo somos la #1 en mejor paga. Tenemos productos de limpieza del hogar Veganos , maquillaje, cuidado de la piel, pies, uñas, caída del cabello, bebés caballeros y más no te lo puedes perder. Sígueme en Facebook Naturally by Evelyn Rivera.
Farmasi is an amazing company. I’m so proud to be part of this company. The products are awesome!!! They have affordable prices and excellent products.
Farmasi is an incredible company. The products are so good along with affordable. It feels good to be able to buy high quality, chemical and toxic free makeup, cleaning products, perfumes, etc without having to break the bank! The business is also incredible and they truly care for each beauty influencer! They listen to our concerns and want to help us succeed.
Sus productos son excelentes, testimonios reales, su plan de compensación es espectacular y sus precios accesibles. Sus reales de oro lo hacen incomparable. Libre de Parabeno, libre de Triclosan, libre de metal pesado.
I’m picky about what I put on my face and one day I saw a lady doing a live, she convinced me to try the products just by what she was saying about Farmasi and how good the makeup was for your skin. The makeup and the skincare is absolutely awesome and everything smells so good. I loved everything so much that I became a Beauty Influencer and now I sell it and use it every day and night, it’s a great Company to work for and the money and bonus are good. Check us out, you won’t be sorry that you did!!
I love Farmasi has changed my life and the lives of most of my girls. It is a blessing for those who want to give themselves the opportunity. Our CEO makes us feel very close to other companies that I have worked with. I have won what I have never won before. I am one of the Founders, I have won trips and all that without completing the year in our territory. Excellent products and affordable prices. You can ask me what you want
A European-based company that manufactures excellent, high-quality toxin-free, gluten-free and cruelty-free makeup and skincare products at an affordable price. Highly recommend!